Then click on the picture below!
How sad? I have a big mouth and say things I shouldn't say, but I wouldn't make fun of someone for that. They can't help it. It's like making fun of someone for having AIDS *cough* *cough* Tylerisbold *cough*.
How immature?
Please tell me fakeshake3 has been hacked!
fakeshake3, just because the enchanted dresses are rare does not mean they should be worn, or even purchased for that matter!
Please take it off. It hurts me to see you dressed like that.
UPDATE: That dress is no longer rare, it was given away for FREE to all members which makes it worse. GROSSY!
Both MadameMushroom and BeverlyHillsHei were spotted wearing very similar outfits.
Red DKNY coat? Check. Red pumps? Check. Birkin bag? Check. Black gloves and tights? Check and check!
But who pulled it off better? They both are equally amazing outfits!
MadameMushroom decided to throw in a lovely red rose, as for BeverlyHillsHei she opted to throw in another New York designer in to the mix with a Marc Jacobs head band and top it all off with a new hairstyle which I love!
Who do you think wore it best? Vote in the poll!
Something I never thought I'd hear about her ever considering she had one of the most successful magazine on Stardoll.
So to help her gain some cash she is selling her clothes that aren't even worth the price of 60 stardollars.
Style_Magazine, if you want to get some money why not sell stuff that is worth the price?
But luckily for her, maybe the code BeverlyHillsHei is giving to dodence_bt's charity CharityGlam could be hers.
Tylerisbold calls UndamyUmbrellla out on his blog, Tyler asking the question many people are wondering, "Why hasn't she left, and what did the rest of her presentation say?"
I personally love Kasia, but Tyler does make a valid point.
Maybe Tyler is just a little jealous cause Kasia has some spice in her style.
What do you think? Who's side are you on?
Vote in the pole!
Did Ellie manipulate (allegedly) yet another friend?
Hopefully time will tell because I love a good drama!
The former Stardoll's Most Hated Website writer and fashionista in her own mind has been out of the spot light for a while after leaving Stardoll's Most Hated Website and lately I've been wondering what's up with her? Where is she? But I think I know what she's been busy doing. She's been piling everything she could get her hands on in the past year!
Lions and tigers and babies, OH MY!
But seriously folks, someone call the Stardoll Child Protective Services. No baby deserves a home like that. Even Stardoll babies!
The other day me and my friend on Stardoll were gossiping about how everyone seems to be making up with d-list diva LilMrsRich. Glamour1 and halmonkey3 seemed to have buried the hatchet, even Style_Magazine herself apologized with a simple yet sweet "Sorry, girl!", to which my friend replied, "Everyone but BeverlyHillsHei."
It made me wonder, so I went around asking people close to them. Of course the friends I asked wanted to remain anonymous but I have really great info from a friend who is friends with both of them.
"I've always been good friends with both Ashley and Sophia. But I'm closer with Ashley.
Okay, well it all started when Sophia started being really shady and lying to anyone and everyone by ripping them off and doing scams and bad trades for stupid materialistic things like rares and DKNY and Hot Buys, just stupid things like that.
It made Ashley SO mad, especially when Sophia scammed one of Ashley's close friends, but she didn't do anything about it until Stardoll created a new thing for the StarBazaar, which Ashley posted about it in her club, but along with her talking about it she also made a b****y comment about Sophia and how Sophia scammed people. Of course Sophia always has denied that she ever scammed anyone, but I think all of Stardoll really knows the truth.
Well that made Sophia livid and they got into a HUGE fight and Sophia started making up lies about Ashley during the fight and then Ashley said something to Sophia which I guess Springate told Ashley about Sophia, which made Sophia mad, and Sophia blocked Ashley."
I thank the girl who told me the info. Well done and thanks so much!
Friends are saying both BeverlyHillsHei and LilMrsRich must miss each other these days cause they visit each other's suite a lot even though there has been no contact between the two of them in almost a year.
Well there's the whole thing in a nut shell.
What do you think? Will BeverlyHillsHei and LilMrsRich be friends again?
I'd like to see a make-up!